Random Thoughts on Pop Culture

Right now, I am eating a box of Junior Mints and they are really good. Other junk food guilty pleasures include Mini Ring Dings (very chocolate-y), Haagen Dazs Light ice cream, and the somewhat rare (read: occasional) Snack Wrap (Ranch, please) , courtesy of the Golden Arches. These are all consumed sparingly, thank God.
Films: Really loved Children Of Men and its fantastic camera work...thought Clive Owen played it quite well in an understated way...The Departed will be looked back on as a crime classic...Last King Of Scotland is a terrific film even without Whitaker's performance...looking forward to Casino Royale on DVD.
Tv: Is any show funnier than 30 Rock? I am laughing out loud a lot, especially at Alec Baldwin's perfect timing...The Office is also incredibly funny and clever, with Rainn Wilson a standout. Tivoing: The Black Donnellys.
Music: Saw Explosions in the Sky on Tuesday and they were great, although they went on a little long and their bass player's constant swaying motion made my wife nuts... also took the missus to La Traviata at the Met Thursday night for 20 bucks a ticket, which was terrific, just a great spectacle...coming this week: Killswitch and Dragonforce at Roseland on Thursday. Those who are metal must stay metal. Killer Album: Elementary by The End. Looking forward to: Traffic and Weather (April 3rd) by master tunesmiths Fountains of Wayne.
Books:Reading The Terror by Dan Simmons and loving it...anything about the Antarctic, I'm there; add a creature, and I'm there quick.
Oh yeah, and I'm on Facebook, which is kinda shocking ... that's it for now... Aloha, Mr.Hand.