To Do List: Live Earth 7/7/07

You know if a concert this big is 20 minutes away from me, I'm gonna be there. So on Saturday, my wife and I (along with assorted friends) will be off to Giants Stadium to watch Al Gore (yes, he'll be there) and guests - most notably, Bon Jovi, Smashing Pumpkins, Dave Mathews Band and The Police - try to change the world, and, at the same time, provide a little entertainment to the masses. For a full look at the concerts and lineups, click here. I will be posting a recap a couple days after the show, so hopefully you'll check back in.
Bon Jovi and The Police--- two great 80's bands that I grew up listening to! Sounds like a productive event--- the climate IS in crisis--- at least here in L.A.---- it has been in the upper 90's--- and I do not have air conditioning in my home!
You and your wife have a great time.
Enjoying the new blog. Can't wait to hear the concert recap.
you should post the pig photo from the concert....
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