Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Live Earth 7/7/7: Weird and Mellow

This was a strange gig, no doubt about it. Poorly promoted , there was literally no traffic on the way to Giants Stadium, and not a whole lot of buzz for a so-called "global event." Tickets were still available on Ebay and Craigslist in droves, so it can't really be judged a success, as far as being an awareness booster is concerned. The concert, however, was a lot of fun, with three standout performances: Dave Mathews Band (who I don't love, but who really brought it), Pink Floyd front man Roger Waters( who is always good, and who brought the flying pig from Animals [see above]), and the indefatigable Bon Jovi, who had the crowd in the palm of their New Jerseyish hand from the very first song to the closing, raucous chorus of "Livin' on a Prayer".
The Police were a disappointment, opening with Driven to Tears (with all their great tunes, they open with that one?) and closing with...well, OK, I was on the bus back to Manhattan by then, bored by Sting's jazzy "rearrangement" of previously untouchable songs. Note to legendary rock bands: don't mess with the classics. What's next, Robert Plant stepping to the mike, as thousands of rabid fans cheer the newly reformed Led Zeppelin (don't get excited, this is hypothetical), announcing somberly,"This is a song of hope...", as the band tears into a polka-tinged version of "Stairway"? Please, stop the madness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So that was the famous pig photo your wife was talking about in her comment on your last post... interesting looking thing--- good thing it was not a real one, the American Humane Society would have shut the concert down in no time, LOL!

Did Bon Jovi perform their hit "You give love a bad name"? Whenever someone mentions Bon Jovi, that is the first song of theirs' that comes to mind.


July 17, 2007 10:13 PM  

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