Saturday, July 22, 2006

Creepy Summer

Normally, I love summer. Sun, fun, sandy beaches, quiet days reading books and taking a break from the rigors of daily life...ahhh, perfect. But this summer has had a kind of aftertaste that feels unsettling. The vicious fighting in the Middle East, the super hot steambath weather, the power outages, soaring gas prices, shockingly violent thunderstorms (ok,those are cool) all has a vague apocalyptic quality to it, like a trailer for the Book of Revelations. Next thing you know they'll be two faced kittens being born, people will be catching a fish with human teeth and...what? No way, click here.

God have mercy on us all. Seriously.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm out here in L.A., and I too think it has been one of the less memorable summers. The heat really makes me tired and grumpy. But you're a bit better off than I am--- you have air conditioning. Unfortunately, I only have table fans.

The middle east adds to the drab of a depressing time, and the gas prices have got me more than furious---In L.A. you just are handicapped without a car--- New York you've got an advantage with a much better public transportation system.

What's next? The infamous California "Big One"? Yeah that's all we need to top it off!

July 23, 2006 4:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zach, don't scare me with apocalyptic thoughts! haha I am on way too much of a high at Williamstown to feel down about anything (excpet for the middle east which keeps creeping into the corners of all of my thoughts lately). I miss you and class and I hope all is well. I can't wait to tell you all about this amazing summer.

July 25, 2006 2:20 AM  
Blogger JohnVriess said...

Well I don't know how hot its been in New York since you posted, but it has finally gotten cooler here in Wisconsin!

You have to admit, the two faced kitten is kinda cute, but the fish.....well that is just plain ol' creepy!

August 07, 2006 1:57 PM  
Blogger ACE said...

Dude, it's been a month. Please post something new!

August 23, 2006 2:59 AM  

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